Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Enough Is Seriously Enough!

When are we going to say STOP, enough animals are forced onto the extinction list. Do you think they like having their friends die and have them worry that they are going to die to? How would you feel if you knew you might die tomorrow! I  know you have had this scared feeling because of all the talk of 2012, and this is what the animals fear everyday. Have you ever heard of the silky snail? I think NOT! That is just one of the THOUSANDS of animals on the list. Don’t you think it’s sad that our kids will know nothing more of a tiger, elephant, or polar bear than a picture in a text book? Don’t you ever think it is unfair that you never got to see a live dinosaur? Well it’s unfair that our kids wont see a graceful and beautiful Sea Turtle.

    What really bugs me, is the laziness that I see around me. On a Thursday afternoon over the summer, My friend and I went to the park near my house. I was playing Frisbee and I got really thirsty. Naturally, I look over at a man drinking an ice cold water. He was RIGHT next  to a recycling bin, and what does this big ball of sweating blubber do?!?! I will tell you! He looked behind him at the recycle bin, shrugged his shoulders making his neck double up with pimply  mess of  wrinkles and throws this bottle on the ground and stomps on it like it's a silly playground game! After he had moved aside I pick up the plastic death trap for  birds and recycle it. Oh, if I would have had the time I would have told this man to pick it up himself, but I have more respect for my elders then to do that.     

So you tell me, what are YOU going to do to stop this madness! I want your opinion, your answer, YOUR INPUT AND IDEAS! Leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. ‘Till then, Stay Green, ~*KRISTINA*~

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